Multi-District Orchestra Day
March 5, 2018
Baton Rouge Magnet High School
2017-2018 Orchestra Judges
David Torns, Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra, Stage Judge
Dan Cassin, Southeastern Louisiana University, Stage Judge
Dr. Wei, Louisiana State University, Stage Judge
Dr. Robert Nash, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Sight-Reading Judge
Download the Official 2018 Ratings
Download the 2018 Schedule
David Torns, Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra, Stage Judge
Dan Cassin, Southeastern Louisiana University, Stage Judge
Dr. Wei, Louisiana State University, Stage Judge
Dr. Robert Nash, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Sight-Reading Judge
Download the Official 2018 Ratings
Download the 2018 Schedule
Chris Frazier, Coordinator
Please read the general information letter concerning our Orchestra Festival Assessment. You will also need to fill out and bring with you the day of festival the Ensemble Musical Selections Sheet/Set-Up Sheet. We are encouraging visitors and parents to come and support our great young musicians. All guests can park at Boudreaux's which is located adjacent to Baton Rouge Magnet High School. If you happen to park on campus, please park in an un-numbered space.
Also, "Precious Photos" will be providing photography for this event. I am encouraging our students, parents, and guests to purchase these wonderful memories.
Please read the general information letter concerning our Orchestra Festival Assessment. You will also need to fill out and bring with you the day of festival the Ensemble Musical Selections Sheet/Set-Up Sheet. We are encouraging visitors and parents to come and support our great young musicians. All guests can park at Boudreaux's which is located adjacent to Baton Rouge Magnet High School. If you happen to park on campus, please park in an un-numbered space.
Also, "Precious Photos" will be providing photography for this event. I am encouraging our students, parents, and guests to purchase these wonderful memories.
General Information
Arrival, Drop-off and Parking
Other Check-In Procedures
“Precious Photos” will be taking pictures for the event. All photographs will be
taken on the stage immediately after your performance. Please remain on the
stage until instructed to exit. Every director will be emailed the pre-order form.
Print, copy, and distribute picture pre-order forms to students and parents. The
director can submit these forms with cash or money order to “Precious Photos”
representative during check in or check out. Do not submit any photography
forms or fees to Katie Codina or Christopher Frazier.
Arrival, Drop-off and Parking
- Please arrive at least 20 minutes prior to your warm-up time.
- Busses will drop students off in front of Baton Rouge High School, on Government Street. There is an area where busses can pull over and unload. Busses may also remain parked there.
- Parents and guests wanting to come and watch the performances may park at Boudreaux’s Catering, which is located next door to Baton Rouge High School, on the corner of Eugene and Government Street.
- Participants and guests will only be able to enter or exit through the front doors, facing Government Street. Do not park in or use any other drop-off or parking area.
Other Check-In Procedures
- Students will quietly wait outside while director checks in. Director’s should not be accompanied by students.
- Students will be guided in by festival assistants. Students will be either guided to a holding area, the performance auditorium (for observation of other groups), or to the warm-up room.
- Parents and guests may sit in the auditorium at this time.
- Front Foyer – Check-In
- Side Foyer – Holding / Unpacking area
- Black Box B – Warm-Up Room
- Auditorium – Stage Performance
- Orchestra Rehearsal Room 2215 – Sight-Reading
- Check In
- Assistants will guide students to unpacking, warm-up area. Every “on-time” group will receive 30 minutes in the warm-up room. Warm-up attendant will notify director when there is 5 minutes left. At this time, groups should do their final tuning and prepare to enter the backstage area.
- Groups will be guided to warm-up room by assistant. STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE SOUNDS ON THEIR INSTRUMENTS OUTSIDE OF THE WARM-UP ROOM. REFRAIN FROM TALKING IN THE HALLWAYS. Every “on-time” group has 30 minutes to enter the stage, perform, and exit the stage.
- Immediately after performing, each group is to remain seated for a group picture. Please print and distribute the picture purchase form to your students prior to Festival. Groups will be led from stage by group attendant and brought to Sight-Reading Room.
- Groups will enter sight-reading room orderly and quietly. The Sight-Reading judge will introduce themselves, and recite the rules and regulations. Groups will have 8 minutes to study the music, prior to performing. Groups may clap, count, sing, and discuss the music, however, cannot make a musical sound with their instruments. At the end of the 8 minutes, groups will have the opportunity to tune and play a scalar warm-up. After the performance, groups will be led to holding area to pack up, and director will be led to check out table. At this time, groups can either leave their belongings in the holding area and enter the Theatre to watch other groups, or may depart.
- Judges comments will be returned to you on a flash drive or via Dropbox
- Ratings and sheets will then be given to the director only. Director will then view results, then initial the verification.
“Precious Photos” will be taking pictures for the event. All photographs will be
taken on the stage immediately after your performance. Please remain on the
stage until instructed to exit. Every director will be emailed the pre-order form.
Print, copy, and distribute picture pre-order forms to students and parents. The
director can submit these forms with cash or money order to “Precious Photos”
representative during check in or check out. Do not submit any photography
forms or fees to Katie Codina or Christopher Frazier.